
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Lucy! You Got Some 'Splainin' to Do!!

So there's a baby shower at church this weekend for a friend of mine. I'm helping to get the shower put together, order the cake, set up, things like that. I was making sure all of my part was taken care of so far, so I checked over my receipt for the cake... I called to confirm the pick up day & time, and I had to wait about 3min just to talk to someone who could help me... and understand me. Then I had to convince her that it was a baby shower cake for a boy - blue & white - and not a "Flashes" cake. As I was on the phone I continued to look over my receipt. The lady who took my order had short-handed almost everything, and forgot to put a frosting preference. I guess I'm not to surprised - she was nice, but it took about 10min to place a simple, plain cake order, but she looked, and acted like she had been drinking a bit early... She reminded me of Lucy on the final take of Vitameatavegamin. She probably fell over as we walked away...

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