**Gretchen, may I please borrow the Soap Box (Rant Box) for just a wee spell?**
***This may be offensive to some, and I apologize right off for my offensiveness***
This was originally titled “Diane, You Ignorant Slut!” – it is from the old Saturday Night Live shows and I didn’t really want to cut it, but I figured that this may be offensive enough as it is. Of course, if you’re offended by people owning and carrying guns, then you probably are not offended by the word ‘slut.’
Anyway. Guns.
I watched the 20/20 special last night. The one entitled, “If I Only Had a Gun.” Like the comparison that it’s the same title as “If I Only Had a Brain?” As if we would start singing it their way, then morph into the Brain thing and realize, oh, I guess if I want the one, then I must not have the other...
The special was about how owning a handgun, and if you are really able to defend yourself... at least that’s what it was supposed to be about. They began by saying this is not a debate about gun ownership & rights to keep and bear arms, but let’s face it, about 90% of the show centered around the awful things that guns do and how legislators have failed to address certain issues. I’m sure you all have heard this one – “Don’t blame the spoon because Rosie’s fat.” Same basic application. A gun will not hurt a person because it is... wait for it... an INANIMATE OBJECT!!!
So, the show talked about loopholes. More precisely, the “Gun Show Loophole.” One statement made that stuck out in my mind was “And they didn’t ask because it is legal!” I get what they were saying – implying it should NOT be legal. It was about the fact that at a gun show, the seller of firearms does not have to ask where the guns are going after purchase... I’m not sure, but Target doesn’t need to know where I take my bed sheet home after I buy them! “But, Cristi,” you say, “You would have a pretty hard time killing somebody with a bed sheet!” For the sake of argument, let’s say that is so. I go to Bed, Bath and Beyond to buy a shiny new knife set! I can easily do harm with that, and yet, there is no public outcry to have my purchase tracked.
Please don’t get me wrong – I totally understand what they are saying, and I really do understand where people are coming from, but most of them are misinformed. If you have a beef with guns, fine. Grow some and argue about it! Try to see both sides!
One final rant. It was said that they did not present examples of people who have successfully defended themselves with a firearm (after all that’s was the show was about *wink, wink*) because
Well, folks, that is because “they” don’t want you to see them. We are told to just do “what he say” when in danger... I’m sorry, but that’s doesn’t fly with me. To a certain extent, yes, comply, but there is a point when you do not. I can’t elaborate further with out going on waaaayyy too long. I recommend the book – Principles of Personal Defense by Jeff Cooper. If your husband plays with mine, then you may have already read it. It is wonderful and very informative.
And here are some stories of, gasp, people defending themselves! What a novel idea... taking control of your circumstances! Here’s a blog I found that is filled with these stories:
In any case, I think this show was an incredibly awful thing. If you’re going to speak out about guns, do it. Don’t hide behind false pretenses. I know there will always be people against and people for it. What makes me angry, is the slithery, deceptive way they go about it. Snakes.
uncomfortable...nope...who do you think reads this?
Thanks for the support!
you are more than welcome...always here to edify and encourage.
Outstanding rant and definitely not offensive. It is refreshing to hear another person (besides the hubby) noticing and speaking out against the garbage and out-right lies that are spewed as truth.
I wish you were with me when I was defending gun ownership to my cooking club girls. I think I looked shocked at people who don't own guns. And then people that own guns, but don't keep them loaded crack me up as well. What is the plan there - um, sir, yes you holding the 45 to my head, could you hold on a sec while I unlock my gun from the gun safe and load it so I can defend myself. I'm just saying . . . I couldn't watch that episode because it made me mad. And like Ryan always says - doctors kill more people than guns do (malpractice). And as you stated guns don't kill people, people kill people. And you could definitely kill someone with a bed sheet, but probably not as quickly as with a gun. Rant on my friend, borrow the soapbox anytime!
Preach it, sista!
Great post Cristi! Sorry to delete my last comment; more I wanted to add. You can find the Colonel Jeff Cooper book "Principles of Personal Defense" HERE.
The best way I counter someone who 'hates' guns is to invite them to the range. I have found that most people who demonize guns simply are scared of them due to inexperience. I tell them that if they go to the range with me and afterward still want to argue against guns, at least they will have seen both sides of the story firsthand. This has shown one friend of mine that guns are as good or bad as the hand that operates it, he now owns a Glock 19 an AR15, and a few other firearms as well. The other person, a co-worker, saw I was serious and didn't take up the invite, but wanted to learn more; she at least stopped the hatred and took more of a Laissez-faire approach to guns. Knowledge and experience lay fear and hatred to rest any day!
nope...don't like guns. but that is irrelevant.
what concerns me most...is that no one is checking your knife purchasing. perhaps they should....
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