So, Friday my mother-in-law called about 4pm. She asked if she and my father-in-law and the kids' Uncle Seth could take the little people out for ice cream after dinner. After I thought long and hard and decided that I would be OK without the chillins for a while, I said yes!
I got all of my floors not only swept, but mopped! This includes the kitchen, living room and BOTH bathrooms! I had gotten the bathrooms cleaned earlier in the day, so it was a very productive day! I was so tired but so happy by the time I went to bed! So, please rest well knowing that the DeHoff house is clean... at least for a few days. On to laundry!
As a side note with absolutely nothing to do with my dirty house, I do have a prayer request.
While it may not seem too big of a deal for most people, I have a very hard time being alone at night. Yes, I take certain... precautions, and yet, I am not sleeping well. I am having an incredibly hard time with nightmares (something that pops up from time to time) and hearing noises. I realize that this is my MAJOR sin pattern - worry. Anyway, I am not sleeping well, and it has progressed to me even having a difficult time when Zach is home. I feel perpetually tired due to poor sleep. Please pray that I can lean fully on scripture and the Lord as I try to rid myself of this malfunction before I have panic attacks.
Thank you.
Just prayed for you...I think I've shared with you before that I have a similar fear.
I will be praying. I also used to have the same problems.
And I am so thrilled for you that your house is clean.
I go through phases of fear like this and used to be so controlled by it that I also would not be able to sleep well when Daniel was home.
A few things helped me:
1. Scripture memory. I would quote it at night when I was afraid OR I would get up and read my Bible until I fell asleep.
2. Knowing that my worry was a lack of faith in God.
3. Recognizing that the Lord doesn't promise that He will ALWAYS protect us from our fears, but rather that REGARDLESS OF WHAT HAPPENS, He is still in control and loves me more than anything.
That last one is quite a bit harder than the rest for me. I like to think of my children as MINE and my own life as MINE when, in reality, neither are mine - they are the Lord's.
A verse that comforts me at night is Proverbs 3:24-26 (NASB) "When you lie down, you will not be afraid; When you lie down your sleep will be sweet. Do not be afraid of sudden fear, nor of the onslaught of the wicked when it comes; For the Lord will be your confidence, and will keep your foot from being caught."
I especially like the "sweet sleep" part.
Another thing that helps me is praying for others when I can't sleep, especially others that I know struggle with the same thing I'm dealing with.
I will add you to my prayer list.
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